Episode 015 With Cassidey

The always energetic Cassidey is in studio tearing things up like she is a Tazmanian Devil. She talks her getting into the industry and then leaving it…. then coming back.. then leaving it… and now she is back. She tells some great stories of her times in the industry. Sal and her reminisce of their early days and CoN gets some spanks and chokes in.

We then get podbombed by Purple Star. The hijinx continues..

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  1. Loved it! Cassidey is awesome, down to earth and sexy 🙂 Thank you SO much for the shoutout! 😛 I feel so special now 🙂 Sorry I didn’t tweet about the shout out right after it happened, my fault. I’ll make sure to send questions and tweet for the next podcast 🙂

  2. This was a fun podcast to do 🙂

  3. I definitely can tell 🙂 One of my favorites! When is the next podcast?

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